
The Morrison Family Charitable Foundation (MFCF) was founded by Hugh and Jenny Morrison in December 2015 to establish a lasting structure to provide financial support to organizations that work to improve the wellbeing of the people and environment of Oregon. MFCF was established with the goals of

  • creating an enduring funding source for the benefit of Oregonians;

  • contributing to a general culture of charitable giving to instill the value of communal work and shared responsibility in current and future generations; and

  • providing a means for honoring the contributions of David Ramsey and Patricia Ramsey to their home State and its people.

Dave and Patti Ramsey, two life-long Oregonians, laid the financial groundwork and provided the philanthropic spirit that led to the creation of the MFCF. They modeled compassion for their families, their employees, Oregonians, and humanity. They persevered through life’s adversities, and as they prospered, they shared with those around them.